Traditional Wall Clock


Traditional Wall Clock

The Traditional Wall Clock, designed by Random Studio, exudes timeless elegance and sophistication. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this clock features a classic round shape with Roman numerals on its face, adding a touch of old-world charm to any room. The sturdy frame is made of rich mahogany wood, giving it a luxurious feel that complements both traditional and modern decor styles. The clock's hands move gracefully around the dial, marking the passage of time in a quiet yet dignified manner. Its reliable quartz movement ensures accurate timekeeping for years to come, making it not just a beautiful piece of home decor but also a functional addition to any space. Whether hung in a cozy living room or an elegant dining area, the Traditional Wall Clock from Random Studio is sure to make a statement of refinement and taste.

  Contact Us:

Name: Random Studio

Mobile No: +91-8376991690



Address: A-16/13, Om Sai Complex, near Sai Temple, Sahibabad Industrial Area Site 4, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201010


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